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LED display field 2023 new change: LED display industry out of the trough With the gradual optimization of the New Dea

With the epidemic prevention of the gradually optimize the New Deal, depressed in all walks of life of the market was released at the end of 2022, and positive LED display industry in 2023, how out under the new situation, the recovery of the national economic market, mining product new application scenarios, in the face of these problems, we from the current market environment to analyze the direction in the field of LED display.

2023 outdoor business circle open colleagues, naked eye 3D large screen ushered in the increment

Outbreak in 2022, comprehensive people in the New Year's day holiday gradually restore "fireworks", most cities to stimulate consumption, more measures simultaneously, each big business circle stores launched "start" in the New Year promotion, attract customer consumption, New Year's day holiday social consumption rebound, both from suppressed concentrated release of social vitality, and everywhere, under this background, naked eye 3D screen as business circle drainage, also assume an important role in stimulating consumption measures. As one of the carriers of business circle operation, the naked 3D screen plays an important role in attracting the flow of people in the business circle. Taking a closer look at this list, there is no lack of web celebrity business circles that have frequently appeared on the Internet for many times before, including a number of well-known business districts, such as Chengdu Chunxi Road Business circle, Chongqing Jiefangbei-Chaotianmen Business circle, etc., which have been naked eye 3D screen on the network, attracting consumers from all over the country to punch in. And Guangzhou tianhe road business circle, Beijing road business circle also listed, according to understand, is not only the most eye-catching Beijing road new department store outside installed naked eye 3 d high definition surface LED screen, in the whole business circle have through LED display to create wisdom business circle, wisdom fitness mirror, intelligent LED touch interactive screen, self-service parking query system, parking space monitoring screen, etc., wisdom scene innovation consumption experience, update facilities, innovative business model.

So-called wisdom business circle, is the Internet, mobile Internet, cloud computing and big data such as a new generation of information technology as the foundation, in the form of interconnection and content of comprehensive dynamic perception, analysis and integration of business circle aspects of data, to create a more efficient, more convenient, more prosperous business environment, realize the user experience, marketing service precision, operational management and

consumption environment integration of new business circle form. Under the new changes, "fireworks gas" return, the flow of people pick up, the cultivation of smart business circle in the consumer market will drive the growth of naked eye 3D screen. According to a media organization, by the end of 2023,153D screens will be landed in many key cities across the country. With the end of thousands of screens in June this year, it is believed that during this period, the outdoor naked eye 3D large screen will usher in a new increment in half a year.

Take the double cycle development route, precipitation technology waiting for the market recovery

To build a new pattern of development with the domestic circulation as the main body and the domestic and international economic development cycles mutually promoting each other. In 2022, most industries in China are facing more difficult business development, many enterprises are on the verge of bankruptcy and restructuring, and LED display industry is no exception. Different sizes of screen enterprises have different ways to deal with the impact. For the small and medium-screen enterprises in the industry, it is not easy to gain a certain share of the international market. For foreign trade screen enterprises with overseas markets as enterprises, they may have a certain market growth in 2022, and in 2023, it will usher in corresponding growth with the adjustment of entry policies at home and abroad.

In 2022, we can see, market segments out of the fence, transparent screen, alien screen, creative display, XR virtual shooting, etc., ushered in the explosive growth, and in the national specialization, new "little giant" policy support, many small and medium-sized enterprises in the industry in the field of niche characteristics, high quality, innovation and development, harvest the industry recognition and affirmation, which in the niche of deep screen companies brought great confidence.

In the context of the development of the double cycle pattern, the domestic market as the main body will also bring a favorable environment for the development of LED display industry in the domestic market. At the same time, the overseas market ushered in new growth, industry screen enterprises may wish to calmly plan, actively adjust strategies, precipitation technology and products, waiting for the gradual recovery of the market.

The development of things is a spiral, full of twists and turns, but the overall direction is always forward. Just like the development process of the LED display industry before and after the epidemic, there have been high moments and bleak years, but it has the attitude of continuous progress, with technology and products as the development support, find the right positioning, will always usher in light. I believe that under the new changes in 2023, for the LED display industry, out of the trough will not be the problem.